Emergency Procedure - Medical Emergency
UCSC Fire Department personnel are all trained as Emergency Medical Technicians or Paramedics and respond to all medical emergencies on campus with county ambulance Paramedics.
- If a serious injury or other medical emergency occurs, immediately call 911. It is best to have the person calling 911 physically with the patient at the time the call is made if at all possible. Be sure that the following information is provided to the dispatcher:
- The age and gender of the patient. If you are unsure of the patient’s age, estimate.
- The location of the patient.
- The nature of the medical emergency and whether or not the patient is conscious and breathing.
- Any other pertinent information, such as events leading up to the emergency or known past medical history of the patient.
- Do not take seriously ill or injured persons to the Cowell Health Center.
- Ensure that the scene is safe prior to approaching the patient and reassure the patient that help is on the way.
- If the patient is inside a building or a remote location, send someone to meet and direct the Fire Department to the location, if possible.
- Do not move the patient unless absolutely necessary.
- If you are trained in first aid, you may provide care per your level of training until the Fire Department arrives.
- Upon arrival of the Fire Department, remain and provide any specific information about the patient and their condition that you are aware of.