UC Ready Enhancement Frequently Asked Questions
I was a "Gatekeeper" in the old UC Ready system, what will be my role in the new UC Ready System?
Your role in the new system will be similar, but will be called Plan Owner rather than Gatekeeper. While the former UC Ready system allowed multiple Gatekeepers, the new system provides for only one Plan Owner per plan. If your UC Ready plan had multiple gatekeepers, the campus continuity planner will work with you to identify the primary point of contact for your unit’s continuity plan.
Why aren’t the old plans available and why can’t I update them?
Your former plan is still available as an Adobe Acrobat (PDF) document. If you have not saved that document previously, your campus continuity planner can furnish it. Updating will be done using the new UC Ready system; data edits in the former system were “frozen” as of March 9 to ensure a stable dataset for the migration.
How many people are allowed access to my UC Ready plan in the new system? Will I able to grant them access?
Plans are most effective when widely shared within your unit. Our experience with the former UC Ready system showed that UC Ready was used online by (typically) one person in a unit, occasionally two, and rarely more. The majority of persons given online access to their unit’s plan never used that access. In the new system, the emphasis will be on sharing the plan within your unit using the PDF version of the plan, which you can email or print. Nonetheless, online access can still be granted to a limited number of others in addition to Plan Owners; contact your campus continuity planner to arrange this.
How will the new UC Ready software differ from the former UC Ready?
The new software will differ in many ways. Some of them are:
- Workflow: Plans are created on a single primary screen rather than on many screens.
- Templates: The new UC Ready will offer eight different planning templates (sets of questions). Each unit will use the template most suitable for it.
- Enterprise-level plans: The new tool will enable the creation of campus-level and medical center-level plans as vehicles for executive strategy and executive action.
- Coordination across departments: The new UC Ready tool will do a better job at identifying & tracking dependencies (situations where departments depend on other departments or on specific resources).
- Prioritization based on severity of impacts: The new tool uses a process called “impact analysis” to suggest the units and functions whose disruption could have the greatest impact on the campus mission, hence merit particular attention in the planning process.
- Best Practices: Departmental Best Practices are suggested, based on type of department.