Department Emergency Action Planning

Department Emergency Action Plans

Creating a resilient campus requires collaborative planning and implementation of Risk Management, Mitigation, Emergency Preparedness, Business Continuity and Employee Personal Preparedness.  In a shared goal to protect our faculty, staff, students, visitors, academic and business operations, and our institution’s reputation, diligent attention must be given to each of these pillars of resiliency.

Level I Emergency Action Plan

UCSC departments are required to be compliant with Cal OSHA 3220; the delivery of Emergency Action Plans to their employees.  Currently, this requirement is satisfied by completing and distributing the Level I Emergency Action Plan template.   

Steps for completing a Level I Emergency Action Plan:

If you are located in a building that houses multiple department or divisions, every respective department must complete an Emergency Action Plan. Post and disseminate this plan to your employees. This is a necessary and required step towards fulfilling your emergency procedural compliance. Cal OSHA 3220 may be reviewed at the following link:

Download the Emergency Action Plan Template, then,

  • Enter the building name that your department resides in. 
  • Enter special operator duties, if applicable. 
  • Email the completed document to your department employees; include copy to:
  • Post this document in common breakroom areas.
  • Where practical, post these procedures to your department web page or a shared location.
  • Review and distribute the EAP annually.
  • Include the EAP in new employee onboarding materials.