Campus Emergency Operations Center
Emergency Management is responsible for maintaining the campus Emergency Operations Center (EOC) for use during major events and emergency situations. The EOC is staffed by representatives from various campus units with responsibilities relating to emergency response or recovery. During a major event or emergency, the EOC is activated to coordinate campus operations and recovery efforts.
During a regional disaster, the campus EOC communicates with the Santa Cruz County EOC for resource needs outside of the capabilities of the campus. The campus EOC also provides updates to the UC Office of the President and their EOC and may coordinate inter-campus mutual aid with other UC campuses around the state.
EOC Director
The EOC Director is responsible for managing the EOC and serves as the link between field incident commanders and the Emergency Policy Group. The EOC Director is typically the Director of Emergency Management.
EOC Coordinator
The EOC Coordinator is responsible for ensuring the EOC is operational and serves as the internal expert on the emergency management process. The EOC Coordinator is typically the Deputy Emergency Manager.
Public Information Officer (PIO)
The PIO is repsonsible for coordinating communications with both the campus community and the larger community. The PIO is the campus spokesperson from University Relations.
Operations Section
The Operations Section consists of campus units with operational response duties. This includes the Police Department, the Fire Department, Physical Plant, Environmental Health & Safety, Student Services, Transportation and Parking Services, Information Technology Services and Human Resources.
Planning Section
The Planning Section is responsible developing response and recovery plans in conjunction with EOC Management and Operations. Planning is also responsible for for tracking the situation and resource status relating to the emergency or event.
Logistics Section
The Logistics Section is responsible for providing necessary support to campus operations through the procurement of resources such as personnel, supplies and equipment. Logistics also supports campus responder needs such as food, shelter, transportation and communications.
Finance/Administration Section
The Finance/Administration Section is responsible for tracking expenses and other documentation related to the emergency or event. This documentation is necessary to receive state and federal assistance during declared disasters, as well as for internal campus financial recordkeeping.